Monday, March 13, 2006

So Tired

I want to throw things and break glass
Scream at the top of my lungs
I want one tiny teeny little space where it is not ugly
Loud, unfeeling and hateful
I want I want I want

Repost: Please Dont Judas Me

Please don't Judas me
Treat me as you like to be treated
Please don't blacklist me
Leave me as you'd wish to find me
Don't analyze me, sacrifice me
Please don't judas me.

Please don't chastise me
Show me just one shred of kindness
Try to help me see
Guide me in my eyes of blindness
Don't despise me, categorize me
Please don't judas me.

No, no don't judas me
No, please don't judas me

Please don't headshrink me
Don't disguise your innuendos
Make no lies to me
I can see the way the wind blows
Don't deface me, annihilate me
Please don't judas me.

Please don't number me
Don't betray my trusted promise
Please don't anger me
I find it hard to bear no fairness
Don't frustrate me, manipulate me
Please don't judas me

No no don't judas me
No,please don't judas me

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