Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dark World

I stepped into your dark world
Drank from your angry cup
I walked into your blackness
Now you must give me up

No longer will I close my eyes,
to your unholy hate
I will turn and walk away
For I know you are not my fate



Dona Bogart said...

Thank you so much.

Billy Ablia said...

Very nice, I like that :)

Dona Bogart said...

Viper, I saw your new blog. Very nice. Your artwork is wonderful. I hope I haven't snagged any of yours from before, haha. If I did - I am sure I gave you credit.

claireylove said...

well, that's s disturbing image/poem combination- that's disturbing in a good way ;-D

Billy Ablia said...

TY no I didnt have any work on digitalblasphemy and as far as anything I created I would have let you or anyone else use those for free or for nothing anyways, its just a part time hobby I do since I like CG Images and I know some others enjoy them as well, besides what better credit then having something you made used on websites is what I say :)

Kay Cooke said...

Bogart you know how to use words to your advantage and to make art! I am impressed - but then I'm always impressed by what you do. Count me in as a dedicated fan!

White Square said...

Very contemporary and straight...I like this poem..
looking forward for more on poetry thursday

Dona Bogart said...

Chiefbiscuit - Your encouragement is deeply appreciated. TY.

Paris - Thank you for stopping in. I welcome the chance to participate.

Abhay K - I eat up your words. That gives me incentive!