Saturday, March 13, 2010



no reason to be

i don't see

blinding me



original post 12-08-2001 written 1993
This blog originated as "Ramblings of a Manic Depressive" I just wanted a place to keep these poems. It was private for a long time. It still feels strange to share them.
I found out there was a book by that name published in the 70's, so I had to change it.


AscenderRisesAbove said...

Really enjoy the contrast of the two images.

Endment said...

ouch! Amazing imagery both in words and drawings

kerry said...

"wounds blinding me" keeps ringing in my head. you once commented on my blog that you are one for less words... this poem of yours is incredibly powerful because of all that is left out... but so clearly between the lines. i love it.

Kay Cooke said...

Yes I like its strong brevity too. Makes it powerful. The artwork is amazing as well and a great complement.

Dona Bogart said...

I appreciate all of you for reading my poem.

Ascender, Thank you for noticing the contrast and for giving me your time.

Mab, I believe this poem contains less words that any other I have done. The juxtaposition was a statement and I appreciate your comment.

Paris, Thank you. I really enjoyed your memory post!

Endment, I know I should dispense a bandaid with this one. Thank you.

Kerry, Thank you so much. I love words. I do think sometimes just one says it all.

Chiefbiscuit, I like powerful,, thank you. I would like to do the prompt this week, but time is my enemy. I may do one this weekend using a line from your poem. I loved the fly. I could start there!

claireylove said...

thank you for going public. your poetry needs sharing!

White Square said...

Short but powerfull..
thanks for sharing..